Seattle, Washtigton [March 27, 2009]

Posted by OurVolvo.com on Mar 27, 2009 in 1993 Volvo 940

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If you are ever traveling through Seattle, a must see is of course the famous Space Needle which has become the city’s icon. It is located in the Seattle Center where the 1962 World’s Fair was held.
When we first got to the Center we drove our Volvo around the Needle so we could appreciate it from all angles at ground level. If you are not too afraid of heights you can take an elevator to the top observation deck at get a topside-360 view. But unfortunately our dear Volvo could not make the trip with us. So we parked her on a nearby street just steps away from the Needle. During the daytime there was a paid meter but it was free parking in the evening.
The cost for the short trip to the top when we went was $16 for adults and $8 for children and the deck was open between 9am -12am, but it is definitely worth the trip back to see the Needle in the evening light although your pics will not turn out as good as in the day time. There is even a restaurant which revolves on the hour.

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