DIY 4 Steps to Release Trigger of Locking Mechanism on Stuck Gas Tank Lid of 1999 Volvo V70 Wagon
Posted by OurVolvo.com on Aug 22, 2016 in 1999 Volvo V70
- Remove bottom part of right side cargo panel (Side which your gas tank is on) and small section of flooring.
- NOTE: You do not have to take the main large panel off. These panels are very fragile and sometimes do not go back on or break in the process.
- Slightly pry open remaining side panel (part which is still attached) enough to reach hand behind panel. You will feel the metal frame of the car and wires.
- Beware that behind the carpet cargo panel there will be another metal panel in which the locking mechanism will be behind.
- There will be a wrapped cable with two wires which will be visible once you remove the panel. These are the wires which connect to the locking mechanism. Follow the cables with your hand to the end to locate the locking mechanism. Cables will be connected to a small box.
- Once you have located the small box of the locking mechanism, take your finger and reach behind until you reach the trigger and then pull to unlock the gas tank.
- Take off bottom flooring.
- Take off small side carpet panel. There is a small black cap you remove where fingers are and then you slide downward.
- This is the exact location of the gas tank trigger.
- The wire you will follow to the lock mechanism.
- Panel behind which you reach your hand.
- Gas tank trigger pulls towards you, rear of car.