Posted by on Oct 10, 2016 in
1999 Volvo V70
Years ago when we first got out Volvo V70 we published this DIY quick fix for the sticking ABS that causes the driver all sorts of other problems. But the truth of the matter is that it is just a quick fix.
As time progresses, the ABS unit performance will not improve. On the contrary, every time the temperature begins affecting the unit or the spaces, new problems would occur. We dealt with it for a while with just replacing the spacer with a new one (folded empty Wal-mart gift card), but this was also just a temporary fix.

There is an easy DIY permanent fix by getting a refurbished ABS module for under $100 and replace it yourself for under an hour. After a couple of years of dealing with ABS failure, which blocks the dash board instruments, brings on the check engine light, overrides the 4th gear and puts the whole car in a limp mode where you cannot go over 30 mph, we finally resorted to a permanent fix.
Matt Pollack of Midwest ABS Exchange and Repair provided a fully working and tested refurbished ABS Volvo module which has now worked without any problems for 3 months on out 1999 V70 station wagon. While the ABS plastic spacer would provide you with a quick temporary fix, it is well worth investing the money to fix your ABS permanently.
Tags: abs, DIY, fix, permanent, sticking, unit, v70, Volvo
Posted by on Nov 24, 2012 in
1999 Volvo V70
This happens in the beginning of the fall. It could be quite scary. The ABS light comes on randomly and as it persists the speedometer goes dead at zero while doing 60-80mph. As it persists the Volvo goes into safe mode (not passing third gear), looses power and eventually check engine light comes on. Possible codes P1057, P0600, P1081, P0722, P1054 and as usual most of them are only detected by the special Volvo code readers.
The problem is in the ABS module touching somewhere due to vibration and returning short signal. You can replace the whole ABS module which will cost several hundred dollars or use this easy fix described by Enes. I used a folded Wal-Mart card that is still doing the trick for our Volvo V70.
Having a problem with Abs and Traction control is not a rarity on a V70/S70 Volvo. It is a common and expensive problem caused mostly by the Abs Module. The right way to fix this is to get a new one put in. It does not come cheap though, it’s over $400 for a new one and $200 to rebuild

Is there a way to go around it? Yes, there is(sometimes). I tried this”unorthodox repair” on a 1998 V70 and it worked. Actually it’s still working 13 months later. It’s cheap and it required 15min of my time. Abs Module is located on the left side of engine compartment under the fuse box. Good news is…you don’t have to remove it at all.

The whole idea consist on putting some space between Abs pump and the Module. It can be done with almost everything: wood, cardboard, plastic. In my case I used a scrap piece of plastic.

Take the spacer and push it between the pump and the module. Make sure it stays tight and won’t fall while driving.
There we Abs and Tracks light anymore and it’s working fine.

I tried this method on 3 different Volvo’s with the same problem and it worked fine on 2 of them. No guaranties though but you lose nothing by trying it anyway.
Now, don’t forget to clear your check engine light if it is still ON!
Tags: abs, check, dead, Engine, light, loosing, mode, power, safe, speedometer, v70, Volvo